Article written for Volume 3, Issue 8 of ‘Luminous Wisdom: Sophia’ (a Sibella Publications magazine).
I have heard it said that when humans begin to respect the animal kingdom then they begin to understand compassion and equality truly. If you know anything of Buddhist teachings then you will understand that all sentient beings have value and a purpose in existence. It is true that the more we focus on becoming our better selves, the more we become aware of those around us, including animal kind. Often humans struggle to find true pure heart love and the tendency is to want more material possessions rather than concern ourselves with the plight of animals.
So how do we discover true love for more than ourselves and our kind? If a strong awareness of others around us including the animal kingdom do not come up on our radar, then how do we develop our sense of love? What comes first? Love or compassion? Many of us are on survival mode after trauma, grief, heartache, struggle and misery. It can seem hard enough without worrying about elephant extinction or dingo extermination. Yet, we have a responsibility to those creatures that we as a race have controlled. It is time to develop our love for them.
My lessons in developing a Higher Love frequency arrived with an unexpected tiny black Ragdoll kitten. This cat was not on my wish list and I actually preferred dogs. Yet, this fluffy buddy has an obvious purpose in life. His personality is strong and reliant on nobody. He calls the shots yet he also loves hard. It was this cat that brought my attention to animal kind in a whole new light. Already I loved animals but I was about to learn a new level of love frequency. He took me under his wing and began to teach me the art of animal whispering. He would tap my face in the middle of the night and stand close staring deep into my eyes. Somehow I began to understand his wishes and eventually his words. He taught me about being integral with myself, putting my own care first. He showed me that it is okay to ask for cuddles when needed, and how to say no. His instinct for keeping safe was sharp, teaching me how to intuit who my allies are and are not. Mostly, I discovered his personality. I began then, to look for the real personality and traits of other animals.
Viewing animals and imagining how their lives actually are in a human based world is a powerful way to develop true compassion. From compassion, a real love of others develops. Animals are here to offer protection, guidance, support and wisdom to humankind. However, in our ignorance, we have failed to recognise the gifts they bring. Perhaps you might sit quietly one day and study an animal. Observe and be intrigued with how this wonderful creature lives his life, loves his family and brings amazing magic into the world. Your compassion will exponentially grow. What a wonderful way to find love.