The 4th dimension vibration of life we are learning to leave behind has been about lifting our frequency to a Higher level in efforts to understand a beautiful Loving Power which is greater than ourselves whatever you might call it.
We are all connected to each other within this universal unit – in fact all made of the same energy and all striving to learn more about ourselves while providing cohesive loving service for others.
The 5th Dimension Energy teaches us about community and unity – Unifying ourselves as souls with bodies and unifying ourselves into a beautiful collective of positive Universal flow.
I and We. It is necessary to have balance of both to live successfully and lovingly. It is important to remember ourselves with self-care and be led by our own experiences. We are required to find balance within ourselves in health, attitude, boundaries and giving service to others. Yet simultaneously we benefit from being very aware of others, their similar situation of being on their own journey and finally having awareness that we are but a part of a great Cosmos. When looked at from this angle, all those little niggles of life appear and actually are, insignificant. It is then that we become more able to compassionately detach from the unnecessary burdens of living on earth.
Instead we can focus on the great beauty, opportunity, and positive outcomes of our journey here. This opens the door to a conscious ability to expand our love outwards beyond single others onto a Universal all-encompassing Love.
With that in mind, below is an exercise that will return us to “I” for a time so we can see how self-absorbed we can so easily become. That is because the energy of Mother Earth was stuck in this plane and so that is what we learned to do.
To separate the “I” from the collective, try spending 24 hours without using the words “I, me, mine, myself, I am”. Lets start right now! Try a few sentences.
NOW…lets review what you discovered.
How did you get on?
Did you find you were unwittingly all about you?
We are all expanding our consciousness and developing within the new 5th dimension frequency which is about UNITY. We are all in this life together at the time and in this place.
This unity which is new to us not only includes each other as humans accepting each other’s uniqueness, but is also totally inclusive of a Greater Existence and the understanding that we live and love within a Universal Unity.
We are led by a loving Power so we need to know with practice how to “do” or more precisely “be” souls of unity for us to progress out of the heavy earth stuck mentality we currently reside in.
We seek to rise above it with self-awareness of others including all creatures, earth, sky and then finally ourselves.
From here then, we begin to take better care of ourselves. Our aim is to become our best unique selves and still be aware of our community.
Here is an exercise of Community Awareness at a deep level. Take a piece of paper and write these three questions upon it.
- What has someone done for you today?
- What have you done for someone else today?
- What problems did you make for someone today?
Take some time to answer these questions and really think about the detail of this. Deeply consider about how our actions impact on another. Do not get invested in emotion at all but look at the facts.
We begin to see that effort and awareness is required to provide our lives with interaction and support.
Now imagine your coffee in a cup in front of you. Begin to trace the steps it would take for this coffee to arrive in your hand.
Take your time here.
How many steps did your get?
Did you think of how many people it took to grow the coffee, roast it, pack it, transport it, buy it, use it, pour it..then there is the sugar, the milk which starts with cow and needs milking, farming, packing, shelving etc. How does a cup get made, and a spoon and a coffee machine and then be put together in a café of how many people….
Many??? Now we begin to see how very connected we are as a community and how much we rely on each other for our most basic requirements.
When we understand this then we begin to feel gratitude to the multitudes for the part played in your life. It begins to become apparent that we cannot manage without each other and the word Unity takes on an important and treasured angle.
We begin to feel such awe at the magnitude of how important each journey is and we remove our narrow perspective of self-importance and replace it with open, real, giving and receiving with an awareness of each soul being important to the hive.
With this then, we can now stand back and rebalance to that space where self-love and self-care is important so that we can enjoy our lives whilst simultaneously learning about ourselves and contributing to service of others. Even more importantly we begin to see that we do not benefit from judging others or becoming invested in others journeys because we all want the same things: Love, acceptance, kindness and peace.
Try these few steps and perhaps you might like to journal your discovery.
Maybe this could be useful to widening our thought process allowing gratitude that we can have unity and community. We are all in life together.
We can choose to create community with supportive others and step away from those that cannot yet align themselves to the greater idea of peace without judgement and expectation.
Let’s start by simply working on being better “me”.