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Care for the caregivers

Carers workshop

This workshop is aimed at existing Carers in a professional capacity who struggle with time management, over caring, distress on behalf of their clients and generally putting their own needs way down the list!  The focus is on discovering what a carer is and what healthy parameters look like.  We look at recovery from trauma and experiences that have hurt us on the job.  Discussion around our existing belief systems and perceptions is an area that becomes interesting with Carers.  Consideration of our own unique ability to hear our personal soul speak is also an important focus to knowing what is right for ourselves.

Processes of healing self and rebuilding comfortable boundaries is imperative to moving forward with a sense of contentment.  Communication and balancing personal need is explored in this safe, fun group environment.  Connecting with our clients in a wholesome manner and generally working with more awareness and sensitivity towards self and others is covered with enjoyable processes in a safe, understanding space where everyone is respected and heard with kindness.

Pre-requisite:  A desire to improve your mental, physical and spiritual health balance and provide yourself with a wholesome approach within your industry.

To express interest, email me or go to contact page.  Date to be advised.