Article written for Volume 2, Issue 5 of ‘Luminous Wisdom: Sophia’ (a Sibella Publications magazine).
That Old “Should” Chestnut!
We cry for the different child all alone. Someone would have loved her. We cry for the elderly man bashed in his nursing home. He simply wanted a hug. We cry for the wee boy in the supermarket who only wanted to help his mother but was smacked for getting in her way. She could have taught him how to choose nice apples to bag for her. There are many things in our lives that make our heart squeeze with sadness and frustration. I think about the realities of today’s world with the incessant demands on times, responsibility, energy, finances and expected tasks. Life is stressful, full of seemingly nonsensical rules and consequent anger on all manner of frustrations. Humanity longs with deep soul ache for a calmer, more loving and passionate life.
How did we wind up as a population of Hurters I wonder? To answer this I travel through time together with my love of history and compassion. Centuries of political, religious, social and cultural rule wind their way down into our present bringing with it multiple layers of expectations. This creates subtle behaviour that does not make sense yet drives our beliefs, emotions and actions. We inherit beliefs and behaviours and the “should” we are familiar with dictate bad behaviour from fear and limited thinking. We are where we are because that is what we know. When we are fearful of our outcomes we continue to lash out. With beautiful Buddha in mind, there are only two basic emotions in humankind. Love and Fear rule the roost. All other emotions of anger, frustration, anxiety, jealousy and more, all wiggle into the corridor of fear and create angst.
Why then don’t we use our natural heart-based thinking more often? Although we struggle working out the space between our hearts and our heads, people seem kinder when they see opportunity to help another. Imagine a world where we recognise the value of another and we don’t even try to control or negate them in any way. It is very possible and very probable that each person can achieve heart-based outcomes simply and efficiently by recognising their ‘should’ and replacing it with compassion.
Energy is made of minute particles. Positive particles developed from uplifting thought is lighter than negativity meaning we can change the dynamics of events. When one person sends a loving atom in the form of support and caring, it gathers with other high frequency atoms which gain momentum and create wonderful vibrations of nurturing. When an entire group get together, our love antennae can become delightfully expansive with positive and supportive vibes. We become sensitive towards each other and more tolerant. With love being a much lighter, enjoyable and peaceful vibration, our lives become gentler.
We are all in this Universe together and by slowing our rushed, grumpy tendencies we are offered a Pathway to our best selves. What if we all practiced sending positive thought forms to all situations? Just imagine!